Hello everyone,
The objective of the code below is to create two synchronized instances of a single drop-menu. Though the code in “CreateMenu” works fine as-is, it does not work when put into a function to allow it to be used in two instances.
<script language="javascript">
function selectOption(boxNum,num)
var selObj = document.getElementById('m'+boxNum);
selObj.selectedIndex = num;
function CreateMenu(menuName,menuID,affectTargetMenu)
document.write("<select name=" + menuName + " id=" + menuID + " onclick=selectOption(" + affectTargetMenu +
",this.selectedIndex);\">" +
"<option>Option-0</option>" +
"<option>Option-1</option>" +
"<option>Option-2</option>" +
"<option>Option-3</option>" +
"<option>Option-4</option>" +
<h3>Choose one option at a time</h3>
<script language="javascript">
<script language="javascript">
I have a feeling that I have made a very fundamental mistake (this.selectedIndex?), but I am unable to achieve a solution yet. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
- HF