Syntax help with for loop

Can someone help me out with code syntax? I’ve got a for loop and some fuctions working, but can’t get one line of code to work.

The red line below is what I’m having a hard time with. I’m calling a function called “moveit”. If I insert [color=Red]moveit(x1, y1); [color=Black]then it works, and my movieclip is moved to the x and y positions that I specified for item #1. Though I want it to work for 10 items (I only have coordinates for two here, and will add the rest later).

I’ve searched my ActionScript book and just can’t figure out what the syntax should be for calling that function.

var x1 = -1401;
var y1 = -1751;
var x2 = -2809;
var y2 = -1531;

for (i=1; i<=10; i++) {
	main.child["item"+i].onRollOver = function() {
	main.child["item"+i].onRollOut = function() {
	main.child["item"+i].onRelease = function() {
		[color=Red]moveit("x"+i, "y"+i);[/color]