Synthetic Voice

I’m wondering if anybody knows of software that will allow you to capture your own voice by saying all of the different combinations of sounds.

Then compile those bits into full words.

For example, I record myself saying ( “Cu” , “ah” , “t”)

then if I type “Cat” it will take those sounds and play it back in my voice.

Or, using the same sounds if I type “Tac” it will play back me saying “Tac”

I’ve seen this once before on some synthetic voice show, there was a large list of sounds that you would read off and it would cover all words in the English language.

Any ideas?


no, but that footer of yours is too high :slight_smile:

300x60 or less :wink:

(sorry to bust your fun)

talks in deep voice
Master Eilsoe, Footer Control Man, A.K.A: CatchYouWitaBadFooter

lolol srry i think ur the one who got me too

I don’t know if this helps but…