? System resource use - Flash created Vs Photoshop created?

I have only one question but phrased it 3 ways:

  1. Is it better to pre=render things say in photoshop or have flash render them?

  2. if I have a field of stars that drift along; is it better to create that Star Field in photoshop as a single picture (say a .png) or to create a star in my library and add it to a movie clip and then have that drift along?

Lets say I have a blur effect on my stars and have an equivalent on the photoshop.

  1. I have heard (and experienced) adding effects like blur takes a fair amount of CPU and memory so was wondering if I created the effect in photoshop and then imported the ‘blurred’ object into my flash if I could cut down on system resources?

Thanks in for taking the time to consider my question.