I’ve been looking all over for how to set up a tab loop, for my purposes tab between different input text fields in an email form. They’re all in a movieclip, and I had thought the focus manger class would allow me to accomplish this, but its been very unwieldy so far. The closest I’ve come is viewing which text field should be next, but if I try to use setFocus, or stage.focus =, then it acts as if I had pressed tab twice.
What I’ve done is set up a listener for key_down being pressed in my emailForm_mc instance, and an if statement for it being tab that was pressed. Then I look at FocusManager.getNextFocusManagerComponent. I setFocus to that, but it behaves as if I’d tabbed twice, I think its because the original tab is still going through, after I’ve already set focus. Does anyone know of a good solution?