Hi, I’m having a problem with my website and I can’t find a way to solve it (looked on google a LOT)
Basically my page is in a table (automatically crated by photoshop) and I want the TD with the main content to be able to expand without making the TDs at its right expand too!
take a look to see what I mean
In firefox : most of the TDs on the right have fixed height values so only the 2 last expands. I would like it so the last part at the right (website stats) would stay at the bottom on the website and the blank space (TD) over it would expand.
In IE : ALL of the TDs on the right expand, even if they nearly all have fixed height! It’s even worst!
I searched a bit of javascript and though I could maybe fix this by reading to Content TD’s height with getElementById(“content”).clientHeight and then adjust the only TD i want to expand but I don’t know how I could make it have the correct height upon loading the page.
Any help appreciated Thanks!