Well I have read a lot on the internet about tableless web design…. The more I read the more I feel…guilty about using tables to design my web sites. haha seriously I feel that it is time that I learn to design my sites without tables… now… Let me first start out by saying that I use dreamweaver…I know I know…all you code junkies are gonna call me a noob and everything… But the fact of the matter is I am not a coder, I am a designer.
ANYWAY the reason for my post! I am currently working on a new web site, I have set it up using tables (rather sloppily I might add, Like I said, im a graphics guy not a code guy) Before I go any further here is what I have so far for my new site
(SEE THE MONTHLY SPECIAL PAGE, Right bar) It looks kinda ok in Safari and is very messed up in Firefox. I am having some issues with the way the content is placing itself (on the right sidebar) when I elongate the main table. The box that contains the contact begins tiling itself, even though It looks fine in Dreamweaver, and all the furniture brands are not aligned to the top.
Maybe I need to go tableles… Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can attain this design? Either tableless or ….if I must, at least efficiently with tables? Thanks everyone.
I used to use Dreamweaver’s WYSIWIG to do table designs too. You can still use Dreamweaver to hand-code table-less CSS designs, but you’ll have to close that WYSIWIG window. It will not show you what it looks like neither in Firefox nor Internet Explorer. I actually prefer coding in Dreamweaver because there’s auto-auto complete and color coding.
Like the rest of them said, the only way to really LEARN it is to start coding CSS and HTML by hand and playing around with it. There’s really only so much you can learn, but the real challenge is learning different ways to implement it.
On a side note:
I use Textpad on PC and VIM on Mac to do my coding… all color coded and neither have auto complete (which I absolutely cannot stand auto complete, drives me crazy)
I used to use Dreamweaver’s WYSIWIG to do table designs too. You can still use Dreamweaver to hand-code table-less CSS designs, but you’ll have to close that WYSIWIG window. It will not show you what it looks like neither in Firefox nor Internet Explorer. I actually prefer coding in Dreamweaver because there’s auto-auto complete and color coding.
Most dedicated coding apps do this, without the bulk of dreamweaver (and it IS bulllkkkkyyyy)
Dont know what OS you’re using, but there are cheaper, and faster options out there that accomplish what you like, and More!! Wheeeee!!
Dreamweaver is not bulky in terms of RAM usage. However, it uses extraordinary amounts of CPU processing to upload/download large files to/from the remote host… 90% on my Intel Wolfdale Dual Core 3.0 Ghz.
[ot][quote=NeoDreamer;2344749]I used to use Dreamweaver’s WYSIWIG to do table designs too. You can still use Dreamweaver to hand-code table-less CSS designs, but you’ll have to close that WYSIWIG window. It will not show you what it looks like neither in Firefox nor Internet Explorer. I actually prefer coding in Dreamweaver because there’s auto-auto complete and color coding.[/quote]
Its auto complete sucks though. Type up a Javascript function and it won’t even tell you the parameters for it the next time you go to use the function. [whisper]plus dreamweavers php support is in the same poor shape[/whisper]
Switch to Komodo 4.3 if you on windows. DW WYSIWYG is horrible… its better in CS4 though. I don’t really get the point of it entirely.[/ot]
HTML-Kit and [URL=“http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm”]Notepad++ (what I use mostly) are both excellent free options for hand coding. You seem like a good candidate for HTMLKit as it allows you to live preview your code (sorta like DW) as you type, supports auto completion of built in functions in PHP, JS, HTML tags, and custom functions/classes.
Its auto complete sucks though. Type up a Javascript function and it won’t even tell you the parameters for it the next time you go to use the function. plus dreamweavers php support is in the same poor shape[/QUOTE]
Dreamweaver 8 tells me the PHP parameter types all the time. I can’t comment on Javascript, since I don’t program in it.