Hey everyone, I made up a quick PHP mailform tutorial. Can you guys take a look and see if its legible…?
Any suggestions or comments are welcome…
Hey everyone, I made up a quick PHP mailform tutorial. Can you guys take a look and see if its legible…?
Any suggestions or comments are welcome…
why yes my turtle dove.
Very nice and useful tute jubba! very well written too =)
thanks for this nice contribution, really, thanks a lot!!
I’ll be checking it out at my next availiable op Jubba. I have a need for a good mail form anyway.
I added more to it. I need some more comments because I am going to be writing a tutorial for this using Flash when I get back to school and I need to make sure that this is 100% understandable/readable/doable
just take a few seconds and read thru and make sure it works!
Please :beam:
I’ll beg… :-\
jubs 8]
:phil: :tie: :ub: :cyborg: :flower: :hair:
:run: :crazy: :bounce:
I will do this until I am satisfied! :bad:
<b><font size=10>BUMP</font></b>
dear jubby,
i don´t have the chance to test it coz i don´t have my own server…yet.
but i read it, and at first glance, it seems very well explained, and very nice =)
perhaps other caring soul can test if for us… anyone?
:q: :q: :q:
I’m not really asking anyone to test it, but kind of edit it. Read thru it quick and see if there are any logical gaps or things that seem fuzzy.
Thanks for the words
AHHHHH!!! Come on!! What do I have to pay you for 5 minutes of your time? What are you going to be doing anyway? Reading thru random posts!?! SO WHY NOT READ THRU SOMETHING THAT HAS A POINT TO IT!!
Jubba, Jub Dawg, Jubster, Katheryn, Jubbo
calm down
I read your thread and I thought it was a cool tutorial and it actually made sense to me, sort of
I’m probably gonna end up using it on my site
nice job!
anyway… thank you! I appreciate it. I just need to amke sure that people understand it because its going to become a HUGE Flash/PHP tutorial…
its gonna have flash integration stuff?
cuz that was the one thing i thought it was lacking… and and that would be awesome! go for it!
And yes, katheryn, i was gettin bored with Jubba names
Yeah, I’m going to be making a 3 step tutorial.
Sending variables from Flash to PHP.
Using those variables to send an e-mail.
Saving those varialbes to a text file to make a guestbook/shoutbox.
Shoutbox too?
That’s so amazingly great.
I’ve been lookin for a good one of those and a good e-mailer doo-hicky
but now the search is over
i can trust anything comin of you:beam:
I can’t wait
well I already made a flash shoutbox as open source… did you see the thread?
There you go.
Its open source and you can edit it all you want.
But the tutorial (for a guestbook) will be comeing out sometime next month I think…
I’m way too tired and code illiterate to look at that now.
but im sure its great.
I’m goin to bed now… good night jubba, can’t wait for everything, and see, it wasnt that hard to start a convo about ur tute.
yeah but its just us…
I’m satisfied now. So I’ll stop bumping this up, but if anyone else wants to comment you’re more than welcome.
I satisfiend Jubba:love: (in a very, very non-sexual way)
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