
Hey, so, I haven’t been here in a loooong time, but I wanted to just stop by and drop off this link to the project I’ve been working on: TARGEngine is a Flash ActionScript 3.0 RPG Engine that takes most of the base work out of making a sprite-style RPG in Flash. It’s in the early stages of development, so don’t expect it to be a fully polished tool just yet, but I’m working on it. Feedback, positive or negative, is welcome! Thanks!

Hmm. You lost me at ActionScript 2.0. For making a solid engine I would want a well designed ObjectOriented API, and ActionScript 2.0 is just too sloppy to achieve that.

EDIT: I looked into it, and it is 3.0, so I guess that was a typo?

Ok so looking at it, well, I’m not really looking at it that thoroughly because you need way more abstraction. Way way more. You don’t want everything defined in one giant super file. You should be creating multiple classes that do a few things each instead of having one gigantic ones. Learn a bit about encapsulation and look at more developed APIs to get an idea about creating a smart ObjectOriented class structure.

[quote=Fidodo;2336134]Hmm. You lost me at ActionScript 2.0. For making a solid engine I would want a well designed ObjectOriented API, and ActionScript 2.0 is just too sloppy to achieve that.

EDIT: I looked into it, and it is 3.0, so I guess that was a typo?

Ok so looking at it, well, I’m not really looking at it that thoroughly because you need way more abstraction. Way way more. You don’t want everything defined in one giant super file. You should be creating multiple classes that do a few things each instead of having one gigantic ones. Learn a bit about encapsulation and look at more developed APIs to get an idea about creating a smart ObjectOriented class structure.[/quote]

Yeah, that was a typo… had a screaming baby smacking the keyboard as I typed that… I’ll look into encapsulation more to see what I can improve. Thanks.