Target Commercial

I’ve searched for a while on the net and I can’t seem to find this out.

Does anyone know the song that they are playing on the new Target commercials?

The one that starts off with the dude running, and the other version has a girl kickboxing - in kind of a stop motion- flip book style.

Hip/hop funk music going on and I want to know the track title and artist so I can see who they are - have a nice sound to them.

Any help is mucho appreciated.

Have you tried ( I found one Target commercial, but it was from late 2003, so I’m guessing that wasn’t the one you are after. I didn’t spend more than a few minutes seaching that site, so you may be more lucky in finding the ad.

yeah i was all over that lol - most recent one was someone asking for it, and the mod was like search its been answered…and of course there were like 5 target questions, and the one this guy and i are after…wasn’t answered.

thanks kirupa - if you or anyone else knows hook a brotha up