Target html frame from flash problem getURL flash8

Note: I rarely join forums or post threads, however, given the living hell i went through to figure this problem out I thought i would go ahead and post this for all others having my problem (in hope that you find this link and it solves your problem).

Aim: using frames, I want to create a flash menu in the left frame, the buttons in the left frame should open up the target page into the (main) right frame. [in other words a normal frame based website that has a flash menu as the navigation for the site]

Problem: When using getURL to open the page in the frame i.e.
on (release) {
getURL(“about.html”, “mainFrame”);
it opens the page in a NEW WINDOW rather then in the targeted frame (being ‘mainFrame’).


as above, but you have decided to make the target “_self” rather then “mainFrame” and it doesn’t work at all.

Solution: When you publish/export the movie, set the flasher to “flash 5” rather then “flash 8”. Now try it … it should work. I’m not sure what the problem is with the flash player 8 for this function but it screws up.

I searched all over the internet for a solution to this problem for over 5 hours, including testing everything i knew to do (except the above solution). It was from cross examining a tutorial from this site that i realised the problem… silly i know but annnoying. so i hope if you have this problem this thread has helped you, and likewise saved you more time then i wasted. :bandit: