Target path question

[]Lets say I have a movie clip in the library with identifier name = myClip2.
]Inside this movie clip is a label component with instance name = myLbl
[]on the stage is a movie clip with instance name = myClip1
]there will be more than one instance of myClip2 on the stage[/LIST]In action script I attach myClip2 to myClip1 as follows:
// (i) is an incrementing variable from a for loop

var myMovie:MovieClip = this.myClip1.attachMovie(“myClip2”, “currentMc” + i, this.myClip1.getNextHighestDepth());

this.myClip1.myMovie.myLbl.text = “Some Text”; <-------- this line of code does not change the content of the label component.

What am I doing wrong:q: