I have a movie clip on the main timeline calledbg_graphics, I want to target a movie clip within that movieclip called **bg1_mc. **to gotoAndPlay frame 2.
if anyone can help me out with this code that would be great, but wait theres more.
The bg_graphics clip goes to a random frame within that movieclip, there are 3 frames. 1st has bg1_mc, 2nd has bg2_mc, and 3rd has bg3_mc. How could i determine which file to gotoAndPlay frame 2 in bg_graphics when i don’t know exactly which frame its going to be on, let alone target a movie clip within a movie clip.
I used this code to generate the random frame if that is of any use to anyone who is willing to reply.
function randomBg() {
//generate random BG based on random frames within the MC
randFrame = random(3)+1;
Can anyone help??? that would be great.