Targeting External .swf's

This post is similar to one i’ve posted before regarding targeting external .swf’s

Im a bit of a novice but i developed a simple flash that represents what i am trying to accomplish.

I am trying to load external movies to a main movie in a branched manner (i.e. root -> first movie has buttons to load second -> second movie has buttons to load third) in specific areas on the main movie.

In this simple flash im trying to get the main-button to load onto the main movie. Once it loads, a button appears and replaces the black square. When you click on it a series of other buttons appear on the side and replace the red square. Once those buttons appear, when one clicks one of them a small movie loads into the blue square and replaces it.

If anyone has any advice on how to get this to work PLEASE help me out. It’s essential to release of my website.

Attached are the flash files neccesary.