Targeting problem [MX]

ok I am having what I think is a targeting problem.

I’m loading a swf into a blank container inside another movie (main). The AS in the loaded swf refers to positions of MC’s in itself _x & _y etc.

However once it is loaded, those positions are not true… ex. if the center of the swf is 200 by itself depending in where it is loaded, it might become 400 or any other number - reletive to the main movie’s stage (I hope Im being clear).

I need the AS in the loaded swf to refer to itself (x/y values relative to its OWN stage). So how do I target that? _root.MC.containerMC doesnt seem to work, but is this on the right track? Basically when an swf is loaded into another, does its _root now become the main timeline of the movie its loaded into???

I hope that was clear…this is for a really important project, so if someone could help me get this straight in my head I would really appreciate it.

If I need to explain anything better let me know.

Thanks in advance.


Sounds like you need localToGlobal. Look it up in the AS Dictionary, I think it’s exactly what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

thanks … I’ll check that out, now that I have a direction to look in I should be able to get it working - thanks again.
