i have a link in a flash and i’m putting it in my site which has framesets. thing is… i have a link in the flash but i want it to target a particular frame? how to do this?
When you did your frameset in HTML, you gave each frame a name. use that name as your target in getURL. I use frames on some of my sites and have to use it sometimes.
//we'll say your main window is called 'soup'.
//I'm bad with making up variable names...
I don’t mind your variable names, they’re very creative ;, plus you made it very simple to understand
Thanx BP.
wait, which name, the name of the html file or the name of the frame in relation to the frameset? cuz im using dreamweaver so it makes things a bit easier but itwhen you do a frameset it allows you to target frames like "topframe, “topframe2”, “main” and stuff. So say the page in my main frame is called “Home.htm”, what do i put as my target, “Home”, or “Main”?
The name of the frame that you want it to load into.
Yes. “Main” is your answer. You got it.