Targetting problem in class (Component)

So here we go. Iā€™m kind of a stuck on creating AS2 component. Its my first one and I think thats probaply the reason im stuck in this stubid situation. :stuck_out_tongue:

So lets move to the point. I have created Mouse listener which is working fine, only thing I just cant understand is how can I target to something inside of the listener when event is launched from it.

Heres a small example:

Class ..... extends MovieClip {

    var changeMe:Number;

    var theListener:Object = new Object();

    function constructor(){

    function createMouseEvents() {

         theListener.onRelease = function(){
               // Here comes the problem
               // For example im trying to give "changeMe" variable a new value
               // but i cant target it.

               changeMe = 10; // no luck
               this._parent.changeMe = 10; // no luck

               trace(this); // Equals to: [object Object] thats correct
               trace(_parent); // Equals to: undefined
               trace(this._parent) // Equals to: undefined

} // class ends

I hope I just havent missed anything cause im getting tired with this. I dont know are there other threads about this cause I cant get in my mind any search words for this.

Thanks in advance. Ill hope heres some AS hero (I know heres many). :pope:

And btw. love your tutorials. User them alot when I started with Flash and AS. :thumb2: