on my timeline i have a movieclip instance name “123”
Same time line, same frame, different layer.another movieclip with this code:
on(release) {
so u push the button, then it sets 123 to invisible.
but its not working?
i also tried
on(release) {
setProperty("/movieclip", _alpha, “0”);
nothing works dammit
help me
You can’t use just numbers for an instance name.
Also you don’t need to use setproperty or set the alpha to 0 to make it disappear.
A more efficient way of doing this would be…
[AS]on (release) {
clip123._visible = false
it sets the mc with the instance name clip123 to be invisible (hence _visible = false, set it to true to make it visible again).
try this:
on (release) {
123._alpha = 0;
ok i tried ur script.
and it still doesnt target the movieclip.
nothing happens at all.
I just tested mine, works fine my way, doesn’t work fine as “123” as reasons stated in last post.
does it make a difference than my button movieclip is under a mask?
you can use numbers for an instance name… is not a good practice but you could use them. 
this["123"]._alpha = 0;
Yeah, I know that kax, but as you stated, it’s not good practice, so I wasn’t even going to get into… ya know… one of those let is slip through the cracks and they might not notice deals 
I think it would be easier to change the instance name then type this[“123”] all the time as well.