~~ team tennis battle ~~

Ok everyone, this is going to be a Traditional Art “Team (pairs)” Battle!

What we mean by Traditional Art is using traditional art media, such as pencil, charcoal, pastels, paints etc. on paper canvas whatever your fancy …

-You are trying to top the submission that is put up before yours.
-The team that chooses to go first has 1 week to post at least 1 piece of artwork.
-The teams must colaborate so e-mail eachother to know what you are doing, comparing artwork etc.
-The first piece that is submitted must have something in it from a digital photo … the digital photo can be anything you like, (such as a flower) just be sure to post the photo along with the artwork so the next team can use the same photo in their art. (please make sure the image is high rez)
-There will be 4 rounds since there are 4 teams.
-Whoever wins the round will go first and be able to choose the digital photo for the next round.
-Judges will wait till all teams have submitted their 2 pieces each to begin judging.
-How pieces are judged will be based on what the judges come up with as far as creativity, style, skill, the use of the photo etc.
-The judges can just choose a winner for that round and simply declare that winner in the thread, once that winner is declared, that team has a week to submit a new drawing for the next round.

(if anyone has anything to add please PM me or let me know in the thread)

Thanks and have fun!!

Boon over and out! :thumb:

[COLOR=green]Boondock & jokun[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Enigmee & Sciurus[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff0000]theflash & Maroneyi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkorange]poseur & darkmotion[/COLOR]

[COLOR=black]Judges: (I’m only taking 8 total judges)[/COLOR]

Count me in as a contestant :thumb:

I want to judge :slight_smile:
If thats cool with you

i am in :slight_smile:
to participate that is!!

I am in too this time :slight_smile: I would love to join with enigmee :slight_smile:

I’ll judge!

I can judge this one aswell!

I’ll enter as a… non-judge… participant… ish… thing! :]

i’d be glad to judge:D

i’ll join

Ok, still room for 4 more judges and as many contestants as we can fit as long as it’s an even number!! :thumb: COLOR=“Silver”[/COLOR]

I will compete.

First battle of any sorts.
Always very reserved about my work, so a good critique and ripping apart by complete strangers will be good for me.:crying:

Happy to oblige:bad:

Oh dear.

Oh well.:afro:

I’ve been doing a lot of figure studies lately and it will be fun to show people.

I’ll judge:D

don’t worry, i haven’t drawn anything more than doodles in years. i’m not in any position to do any serious critiquing

who’s on my team? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds awesome, I’ll judge if that’s okay :hr:

Ooooh!! Ooooh!! Me!! Pick me! I want to be on Darkmotion’s team! Me!! Me!!

In other news, I wish to participate.

Couple days left to sign up and 2 spots still open for judges!

