Teh counter

hey guys. im trying to make this counter where u can plus points up to 10 and then it stops, and if u minus points down to zero its stops.

Ive got it so that it stops at 10, but i cant make it work for the minusing.

any help would b e appreciated. thanx

P.S: FLA file is attached

change to
else {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse) && _root.setSpeed>0) {
_root.setSpeed -= _root.num;
_root.points += _root.num;

hey man thanx. that worked great. but i tried to add more variables and use the same thing and now they can all plus up to 10 and the points go up to -30.

i tried adding an if points = 0 then num = 0 but then when u click up it wouldnt plus anything and now im confused ^.^

can anyone help with this please.

shakes fist at variables

thanx guys