Tell a loader to stop / cancel what it is currently loading?

how do you tell a loader to stop / cancel what it is currently loading?
(or is it even possible?)

i have a set of navigation buttons, which when clicked, will load an external swf on to a movieclip called “pagesHolder” thats on stage…
this works fine, i have even added…

if(pagesHolder.numChildren > 0)

to make sure that only 1 swf can be seen at a time and they wont overlap each other when you click on the different buttons…

however, when you click on another button before the previous swf finishes loading, then you will begin to have problems… it will load another swf, without first cancelling the previous swf from loading… and this can be seen in the bandwidth profiler(the items being loaded begin to stack up as i keep clicking on the buttons again and again)…

below is the code im using… ive omitted the unimportant parts…
the loadPage function will begin when a button is clicked…

preloaderContainer.alpha = 0;
var loader:Loader;

function loadPage():void
    if(pagesHolder.numChildren > 0)
    preloaderContainer.alpha = 1;
    var addressRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(typeOfPageToBeLoaded);
    loader = new Loader();
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, checkBytesStatusOfPageLoader);
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, passVariables);