I have two movies loaded into a base movie. That works fine but when it comes to the buttons that are in those movies they don’t work. When I try the movies on their own, they work fine.
Here is the code for one of the buttons:
on (release) {
tellTarget ("/movement") {
When the movie is loaded into the base movie the error I get is:
Target not found: Target="/movement" Base="_level0.sound1content.movement.soundWindow"
Please help! Thanks!
It sounds like you don’t have a Movie Clip with Instance Name of “movement,” I think this is what you’re looking for:[AS]on (release) {
}[/AS]What exactly is “movement” referring to?
Thanks for the help but I figured it out. It turns out that the button was movie clip was nested in another movie clip and so the player couldn’t figure out where it was. The code ended up being:
on (release) {
tellTarget (“/sound1content/movement”) {
“sound1content” was the movieclip that was in the base movie.
With this change to the code, the sound1 movie that is being loaded into the base movie, no longer works on its own, however in the overall movie it works great!
Thanks again for the help! :thumb: