let say I have more than one target action. Once I want to target another movie clip, how can I make the previous movie clip disappear.
thanks for your help
let say I have more than one target action. Once I want to target another movie clip, how can I make the previous movie clip disappear.
thanks for your help
I don’t understand. Can you explain exactly what you want to do?
pom :asian:
hello ilyaslamasse
go to http://www.firebladestudio.com/tonyN/robot.jpg
I am trying to target the first row to appear on the right side and the bottom row to appear on the left side.
my obstacle is when I click on another button on the first row, I want the previous (big robot) to disappear and the one I clicked to appear.
sorry if I am not making sense (or talk your lingo)
thanks for your help
You’re using Flash 5? If so, too bad, because there’s exactly what you want on this site (tute: photo gallery). Anywa, it has to be doable with F5, but it’s harder. Let me think about that… Do you want anything special to happen when you click? Like fading, motion…
pom :asian:
yes I am still in flash 5.
I figured out the problem. I created 2 movie clips, one for the right left and one for the right. Inside those movie clips, I have 13 frames, one for each illustration.
my only one problem is whenever is click on the button to target the the frame within the movie. it toggle between that frame and the frame next to it. how do I stop the toggling?
go to http://www.firebladestudio.com/tonyN/Robot-Ron_02.swf
and you will see what I am talking about. Place your mouse over the first illustration and then place over it again. It will toggle between it and the next illustration.
It works perfectly here.
pom :asian:
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