so my right index finger (Im a righty) has been bothering me a bit these past few weeks. Yesterday, it went berserk and swelled up a somethin fierce and did me a great deal of pain. It continued today so I went and saw a doctor. That doctor told me to go to another doctor and before doing so get blood tests and an xray. Well, in reaching that final doctor I was told I had some form of tendonitis (from what I gathered) though the name is too complicated for me to have remembered; but I know it was more complicated than that.
Solution? Inject my finger (via palm) with cortisone. Holy mother of- did that hurt. It was definitely one of the top 3 most painful experiences of my life. I felt like throwing up after that and most of my hand was numb for a while.
That was about 2 hours ago. The good news is my finger is a little better and I think I can continue on living my life.
My boss suggested that I switch hands for my mouse, moving it on the left instead of right (and using my left hand of course). So I did that, you know, because my finger hurts and all. I reversed the pointer and the mouse buttons and Im now naving left-handed. My boss actually does this now despite being right handed himself. He said it took him a while to get used to it but it “evened” out his body and posture and everything from such excessive computer use.
Its rough for me. Im so much slower left handed its not funny. Using right, however, just isnt going to happen thanks to my finger (and the hole in my palm from that dreaded shot!) Im excited though, and hope Ill be able to master left-handed mousing.
I think this relates a little to the righty-lefty thread; has anyone else used a mouse opposited of their righty or lefty-ness? Or maybe does that now?