<EMBED src=“http://animation.centerspin.com/breakoutBeta.swf” quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=300 MENU=false TYPE=“application/x-shockwave-flash” PLUGINSPAGE=“http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash”>
cool, did you make that?
haha that’s very cool!
you should make a high-score tracker :beam:
It’s still in production. I haven’t gotten the color object correct yet so all the blocks are the same… There are still a few glitches as well. It’s coming along though.
I’ve been considering a highscore tracker.
cool, its coming along quiet well.
so addicting…
and yes, it is coming along well although there are some glitches (but what game doesn’t have glitches
this is like that game called DX ball, its very addicting!
Yeah, I was hooked on DXBall for months like a year and a half ago…lol.
aha… I finaly made it to level 2, and I discovered the truth of my question. At level two, everything gets faster, max speed, and the speed at which the ball increases. Well at level two, it gets fast enough where the ball can actually pass through the object that it’s hitTesting. Ugg. More work.
Hey david, you sould add some sound loops to it. Just a sugestion though.
Yeah, I got to level2 and noticed that as well… I thought you might have already known.
I haven’t made it to level 3 yet :-\
david, for some reason, the arrow buttons dont work for me, so i just use the mouse and it works fine.
Oh, I thought you had to use the mouse…oops.
Yeah, when I use the arrow keys it jumps one space left or right, then when I release it jumps back to the mouse position (only if the mouse is over that part of the stage).
oh… with the arrow keys you can’t have the mouse over the play field. If the cursor is invisible then it has control of the paddle.
If someone has some cool innane sound clips that would go well in the background, pass em my way via dhaisley@centerspin.com
I might try making some with acid pro or something… but I’d rather have a couple of those cheesy 70’s vid game loops.
i was looking through flash kit, and they have an awsome selection of sound clips.
I’ll have to take a look… I knew they had some… but I’ve never bothered to go through their selection
i have some on my web site, thoes are the ones i really like. If you need them, i could send you the file. just ask
2883 is my higest score.
hey david, how is the game coming along, any new changes?
wierd my mouse kept tryin to disappear on the first page…o well