i want to see if some pictures from my site work. they show up for me, but my friend says he cant see them
i want to see if some pictures from my site work. they show up for me, but my friend says he cant see them
red crosses atm
i can see them just fine.
If my goal is to see three red x’s then your goal has been achomplished!
well, they are pictures posted on my site, they work there but when i try and link yo them, almost no one can see them.
any tips on how to fix this? i use 0catch as my server (www.0catch.com)
Some hosting services do not allow the users to view an image posted on a remote location.
…like tripod and most other free services.
well that explains alot. thanks
i knew there was a catch to free hosting… and they call it 0catch.com… liars
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