Greetings all fellow Flash Forum Users…
I would be greatly appreciative if any and all of you could give me some “positive” feedback on my first flash site… there is still much for me to learn…(sigh) and the site is not %100 complete yet, but I thought I would get some feedback from my peers . The main goal for this site is to create a fun creative site while still remaining functional as an informative medium.
There are a few things to be added still:
Preloaders for all the parent mc and sub mc.
I am in the progress of creating the label swing using the vector shapes instead of bitmaps…but those dang shape tweens and their dang path changes!!! (If anyone knows of a good tutorial for rounded cornered tweens…)
Each sub page still needs to have proper corresponding graphics.
Thanks for your time, and I look forward to all your comments!!