Text (all types of textfields)

I’m trying to make a Flash movie that could be used to question you.
It works very simple: one textbox gives a word, in another you have to give the translation.
It would be something like this: -Dynamic textbox for the words
-Input text for the answers
That would be done with an if ( if dynamic is the word and the input the correct matching word), so it says “correct” or shows a green thing or something like that.
Now, the hard thing (for me) is: if you have a lot of words ( 500 for example)
isn’t there a way to do that without making 500 different if-statements?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Make use of an array, first make a input text field called “myInputText” and a dynamic text field called “myDynamicText”, and one simple button.

// create a array on your timeline:

//on your button:
for(var c=0;c<_root.myArray.length;c++){
if(_root.myInputText == _root.myArray[c]){
_root.myDynamicText=“Allright, the word “+_root.myArray[c]+” is in myArray”;
Now export your movie by pressing ctrl+enter.
Type for example “kirupa” into the input text field… and press the button.
Now if i am right the dynamic text field will show you this message:
“Allright, the word kirupa is in myArray”.

Good luck,
Martijn Himpers