Text and mc

Hey guys.
well i have a movie clip ive made labled correct_mc and there is text i have inserted in the mc it self and its a font i downloaded of the internet but it dosent show up when i play the mc after publishing it its just invisible.
Heres what i have the text setup as.
ok i followed the tutorial here http://www.flashperfection.com/tutorials/Embed-Fonts-14648.html
heres how my code is

style=new TextFormat();

and the text its self is setup as dynamic text, multiline, embeded font and its set as bitmap text (no anti alias)
but like i said it just does not appear when the mc plays in the published swf.
and no the color of the text is not the same as the background, its green text over a black background. well is there somethhing im missing or not doing right cause i need to get this font workin cause it suits my project other then ne other font does. also the font im using is BankGothic Md BT.
hope some one can help

also with that same movie clip when it reaches the last frame i am wanting it to gotoandStop scene two frame one of the main swf timeline. is there away i can do that?.

thanks hope someone can help

Does the font show up when you don’t embed the fonts?
as in

welcome_txt.embedFonts = false;

I’ve dealt with this problem in the past by adding a font to the library and then exporting it for actionscript in the first frame…

  • click on that little icon in the top right corner of the library panel
  • hit New Font…
  • choose the font you want to use, OK
  • right click on the font in the library, Linkage…
  • Check ‘Export for ActionScript’
  • If name in identifier is different than the name of your font, you have to use the identifier name in

style.font = “main”; // replace ‘main’ with your linkage id

which brings up another question… why are you using ‘main’ as the font name when you said the font was ‘BankGothic Md BT’ ?

thanks for that it worked, but one thing idlike to know now is how do i do the same thing for an input text box so i can use that font for when the users entering things in the input text box