Text below usernames

can i have the mod-abilities of the defeated mod when you decide to fight this little thing out in a life & death-battle? :stuck_out_tongue:

I challenge you to a life and death battle to see who gets the mod abilites of the mod who dies in a life and death battle!!!

…so trout me.

that’s what my super secret “off” switch is for…hmm yessss…you weren’t thinking of that were you sen…no…yes…no you weren’t…no yesssss…

btw, you started work on PRSEN yet?

Voets - I don’t know if it is possible to allow HTML parsing for the location field. If you want to get a break, simply press the Enter key to create a new line. Using <br> doesn’t work :frowning:

Also, I tried this out using only the Edit Profile field: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/profile.php?do=editprofile

what was that again?

PR . . .SEN

[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=-4]prstudio . . . . senocular[/SIZE][/COLOR]


Quit spamming!

thanks for letting me know kirupa.

So… just how many posts is x?

Yeah I thought so too. Though the box is multiline, it doesn’t render the multiline, which makes it pretty useless.


challenge accepted… :bad:

how about the 2000 :stuck_out_tongue:

wait crap…someone figured out the name already???

sen get on it!

that AI thing we were gonna do…
