Text Color - Show selected [AS]

I assume this problem has been solved but I can’t find it here. If it is, please post a link. I have dynamic text fields in MCs which act has buttons/links. The text color changes on rollOver, changes back On rollOut, when selected and changes back when another is selected. My problem is, how do I change the text of the selected button/link back to the original when another link is selected?

This code appears on each button:

on ([COLOR=Blue]release[/COLOR]) {
	article1.[COLOR=Blue]textColor[/COLOR] = 0xFFFFFF;

on ([COLOR=Blue]rollOver[/COLOR]) {
	article1.[COLOR=Blue]textColor[/COLOR] = 0xFFFFFF;
on ([COLOR=Blue]rollOut[/COLOR]) {
	article1.[COLOR=Blue]textColor[/COLOR] = 0x000000;	
