ok. hope this works. i don;t want to upload the file i am working on because it is for a client. However, i will upload the file that noxious sent me.
basically what i want to do is make identical scenes with a different header on all of them. so, as for the uploaded fla, i want each of the scenes to be named each of the buttons. Then, when you click on the movie clip, the one that gets larger on the main timeline, i want it to jump to that specific scene.
I don;t know the properties on how to do that tho. i have tried everything. i want to know whether i can just click on a copy of the instance and when the user clicks on it, it goes to the appropiate scene. :toad: i dont know if i am being specific enough.
each of the buttons is a copy of the other. and all the scenes will be a duplicate of the first scene, so that each of the actions and buttons will be in all the scenes so that people can get to any of the scenes at any given time.