Text effetcts in Flash MX

First of all…great site…I´m kinda new to Flash and this site has helped me a lot during the last week…

Something I cant find here or anywhere else is how to create really cool text effects…im interested in everything I can find about it…

So if anyone knows a good site with some great text effect tutorials please help me out…

Thanks a lot!!

hej …

sorry to say i SUCK at scripting so only thing i can recommend u
is to try and get program called Swish.

with this program u can make cool text movies … xport them in swf format and import them in flash …

if u can’t find it anywhere let me know …


Great…thanks…I´ll try that :slight_smile:

I´m still interested in more so if anyone have any other tips I´ll be more than happy to get em!!


Man… its like a domino effect. This question is never asked then in the past 2 days it has been asked like 4 times :crazy:

Jubba wrote a great tutorial on actionscripted text effects… check it out :slight_smile:


don’t get SWISH. if you are serious about getting into Flash and you want to learn don’t even look at SWISH. It will only delay your progession in the long-run.

Thats true. And it is easy to tell a swish animation from a flash animation. Swish animations tend to look VERY amature.

I tried Swish and it was nothing for me…but thanks for the tip anyway…

I´ve allready tried Jubbas actionscript and its great…what I am looking for is more text effects…but I will explore some more…I really need to learn action scripts better :slight_smile:

Thanks for the great help!!