I am working on a large project that displays a fair amount of text and I am looking for advices on how to best handle the formatting of the text globally.
I am looking for advices from people that have had experience in dealing with large projects and that have dealt with the different text formatting options that are available.
From your experiences, what is the best way to handle the text formatting on a global level ?
Through the TextFormat class, through style sheets, a combination of these two depending on the specific situation ?
Is it a best practice for large projects to use style sheets for all of the texts ? Implying that all texts must be written with tags.
Please let me know your opinions and advices from your experiences.
Using only style sheets seems like the best approach at this time to me but before going into coding this approach on a large scale in my project, I would like to know your experiences and advices as well.
I am looking forward to your replies.
Thank you.