Text formatting in text brought in from ASP page

I’m trying to pull a variable from an ASP page that’s pulling it’s info from a database. The ASP page has a response.write that outputs &ScrollText = text that comes from the database.
The ASP page works fine, but when I try to pull in the variable in Flash, it takes in all the html URL escapes, i.e.: %20 for a space %22 for a ", etc. I’ve tried using Server.URLEncode in my ASP page, but that didn’t help any.
I’m displaying this text in a dynamic text box with a scroll bar. Any help would be appreciated.

Figured it out myself…
I’m using loadVars to pull in the info from the ASP page.
My code goes something like this:
ScrollPaneText = new loadVars();
ScrollPaneText.load (“nameofpage.asp”);

The variable I create in the ASP page is called ScrollText. To access it, I had to say myText(variable in flash) = ScrollPaneText.ScrollText
Just a simple accessing problem. Thanks anyway, hope this helps someone else.