Text Submit with PHP

ok the problem I’m having is I’m loading an exturnal swf into a movie and I’m trying to submit its info from it… I have it loading in level2 but for some reason the componant function wont call it. the code I’m calling is the
"// Button actions for “Submit” " where it says _level2.id.name_txt

anyone have any other solutions?
if needed I can attach the FLA



// Set tab order
message_txt.tabIndex = 1;
// Button actions for “View Entries”
function view() {
// Button actions for “Clear”
function clear() {
message_txt.text = “”;
// Button actions for “Submit”
function submit() {
name = _level2.id.name_txt.text;
message = message_txt.text;
message_txt.text = “”;
// Stop the movie