Hey guys, I got a quick question because you are the wizards and its far to late for me right now (dont feel like poking on my own)
This is my first site so bear with me
I have a dynamic text box with a scrollbar. In this textbox the information has multiple formats (font, size, style, blah blah)
Everytime I go into the preview mode the **** text changes to one uniform size and style. It seems to me that its just following the format of the first line and ignoring the rest. Why is that? and how can I fix it?
You can see what I’m talking about at www.shalloways.com and click into the PAST SHOWS section for a visual.
ive had this problem before. when i made the text box it had a default setting and i changed it after typing a few lines. i fixed it by deleting the text box and then created it again but this time i set the settings for the font before i typed anything in it.
make sense? its kinda early so i not all together yet
by the way where did you get the forum from, its pretty sweet.
I knew it was something stuipid like that… Thanks alot!
BTW Hogsmoss. thats a PHPBB forum with a design skin on it. Its pretty easy to set up to if you have some sort of FTP client software for the file transfers. but you can DL the forum files from http://www.phpbb.com/downloads.php
And you get that same style I have which is called Aqua. There are a TON! of styles for this thing… some suck, but most are pretty cool. Theres also a section for smilies and a rediculous amount of avitar packs too.