Hi friends,
I have two instances of the TextArea on my stage named input_txt and output_txt.
I type inside the input_txt textarea and gets output inside the output_txt.
By default the TextArea font is very small.
So to increase its font, what’s done is:
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf.size = 12; //font size
input_txt.setStyle("textFormat", tf); //increase font size
output_txt.setStyle("textFormat", tf); **// Problem is here. The font size is 2 added to the font size of the input_txt**.
what ever the size tf.size is input_txt font is same but output_txt font is the next size of the font.
So here I get output_txt fonts as 14.
What might be the problem?
Or any other better ways of doing it?
Please help.
Thank You.
I found another way right now.
its like:
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Monaco", 12);
giving the font name and size as parameters.
So this works. But wondering what the problem might be to the above method?