Textfield (input) not possible to type in certain chars :s (no embed issue)


We got some complaints from users not being able to type in certain chars like ‘@’ and ‘.’ in an input field (textfield).

The Textfield is an input field type;
Font embedding seems fine (all needed chars are selected + ‘@’ and ‘.’)
Textfield restrict property is set: “a-zA-Z0-9@._\-”

Still some users complain not being able to type a ‘@’ or ‘.’ I’ve googled and searched the forum and the only thing I’ve found that could cause this was the wmode = ‘opaque’ property. We need to set this property to show up Facebook Connect windows. Otherwise these windows would get behind the Flash object in the HTML page. Another reason could be related to the regional settings of the keyboard, which might be faulty interpreted by Flash…

Or could it simply be related to a faulty restrict (regex) property?

Thanks in advance!