Textfield Problem!

Hey guys!

Is it possible for an input text to be formatted to UPPERCASE only? Does anybody here know about this?

Please share your ideas.

Thanks a lot!


myTextField.restrict = "A-Z";


edit. i was thinking… you could use an onChanged handler too…

myTextField.onChanged = function() {
	this.text = this.text.toUpperCase();

Oh yeah!! Thankx a lot kax! :thumb:


no problem. :wink:

I have another concern. I was trying to figure it out but I’m getting out of ideas. I didn’t think it is possible either. :sigh:

Yet, is it possible to automatically convert inputted numbers in an input field to superscript/subscript?

If so, then how is it done? Any ideas? :-\

Hmm i dont know any action to do dat… although u could use some conditional and achieve this effect

hmmm… any ideas? claudio? HOW?? :slight_smile:

Maybe make a if statement…
if key 1 is pressed, replace for ¹
if key 2 is pressed, replace for ²

hmmm… :slight_smile: :thumb: :evil: :beam:

lol what r all those smilies together?

nice trick of yours!!! hehehehehe… :beam:

Cheers! :thumb:

Once i tried something similar… :wink:

Tell me if u get it working


sure!!! … i’m gonna post it… :slight_smile: