Thai language


I’ve never worked with a foreign language before, so I’m a little stuck.

I built a simple backend that uploads data to a mySQL db using php.
The Thai language shows fine in the html textarea no problem.
However, I’m using php to create an XML file to yank the data.

$db = mysql_connect("localhost","XXXX","XXXX") or die("couldn't connect: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("XXXX",$db) or die("no db: " . mysql_error());
header("Content-type: text/xml");
$xml_output = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM gallery ORDER BY ID DESC";
    $resultID = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
    while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($resultID)) {
        $xml_output .= "		<item>
        $xml_output .= "		<description1>".str_replace("&nbsp;"," ",htmlentities($row['TITLE']))."</description1>
        $xml_output .= "		<description2>".str_replace("&nbsp;"," ",htmlentities($row['COMMENTS']))."</description2>
        $xml_output .= "		<link>".htmlentities($row['SRC'])."</link>
        $xml_output .= "	</item>
    $xml_output .= "</gallery>
    echo $xml_output;


The Thai characters are getting stored as unicode, like so: (with out the spaces, damn forum was converting it for me)

& #3650;& #3619;& #3591;& #3586;& #3634;& #3618;& #3618;& #3634;

The XML is writing it just like that and Flash is seeing it just like that.
How do I get Flash/PHP to convert that to Thai?
