That is art!

no trash truck, just a trailer and a F150. we can take the bus too!

That looks really cool. Personally, i liek the dragon. My father used to make thinks like that when i was little at the beach. I tryed to make a dragon in the sand but failed misribly

I’ve made some sweet sand castles in my day.
nothing near as good as that, but still cool stuff.

Formula for lower-class excellence!



(EG+LOST)-KNOWHOW= Aislin<sup>3</sup>

(EG-Design)+Code = Lostinbeta

hahaha interesting equations there Lost. =)

EG+Code = Superhuman<sup>infinity</sup>

(EG+design) + (Lost+code) = SuperTeam<sup>infinity</sup>:P


(EG+design+code) + (Lost+design+code) = SuperTeam<sup>infinity</sup>:P


(EG+design+code - laziness) + (Lost+design+code+sleep) = SuperTeam<sup>infinity</sup>:P


(EG+design+code-laziness) + (Lost+design+code+sleep-laziness) = SuperTeam<sup>infinity</sup>:P

hahaha…that was fun…:beam:

and exciting :wink:

no mud no dirt. just plain beach sand and water =)

that´s the bealty of it, coz sand tend to fall and ruin all the work, with mud it will be a lot easier

Really coo huh?

lol! Calculating supermen!

That is kick @ss sand art. I wlaways tried stuff liek that but could never get the sand to stay together.

*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**That is kick @ss sand art. I wlaways tried stuff liek that but could never get the sand to stay together. **

Theres special sand glue that makes that happen :slight_smile:
Ive never used it myself so all my sand sculptures are pretty flat (and obviously less impressive) but its pretty common among the more serious sand-people

sand glue eh?? so that’s why my castles fall apart. :-\

the skeleton one is by far the most kickass:skull:


the dragon was best…

and I wonder if the glue == watered down elmer’s :wink: