Someones site on here had a really cool caterpillar type thing made up of ‘slices’ that followed the mouse. If uve seen it, im sure u know wat i mean. I need to make a dragon, and was wonderin if its fairly simple to do, or a one off stroke of genius?
ooh, i found it! its on eyezbergs site, under ‘tutoriaux’.
Any thoughts? ( Again, ignore the double)
Check that link,…488.topic, there’s a script to make that inertia effect. Then it’s just design.
pom 0]
erm I could be wrong but the post your after has been deleted regarding the inertia effect it’s probably not to hard. However trying to design something like that will take a fair bit of know how, believe me!
pom 0]
pom when I click the top link it says it’s been deleted, are you seeing this or not?
cheers, just what i was expectin. wahey!
Yep, I see, but the second link works. I don’t understand.
I’m glad it works for you 1touch. Show us when you’re done !
pom 0]
coz the 1st link has a commar!
Right… Good Eyez, 1touch, good eyez…
pom 0]
Just a couple o things, ive tried fiddlin with the actionscript,
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name == “mc0”) {
for (x=1; x<=15; ++x) {
this.duplicateMovieClip(“mc”+x, x);
_root[“mc”+x].follow = x-1;
} else {
mc = _root[“mc”+follow];
delay = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name == “mc0”) {
x = _root._xmouse;
y = _root._ymouse;
} else {
x = mc._x;
y = mc._y;
vx = x-_x;
vy = y-_y;
_x += vx/delay;
_y += vy/delay;
but i cant keep a certain number of mcs… i dont want that ‘if theres lessthan 15, add sum’ thing if thats what its actually sayin (i dont do actionscript) i just want em constant. is that new script, coz i cant do it by fiddlin blindly with the numbers that that usually works for me! I also dont want it as ‘mobile’ as i t is… any more thoughts?
I don’t understand what you want. What’s wrong with the animation as it is ??
pom 0]
Oh, I see now… First, increase your frame rate a bit, and set the delay to 3.
Then the bast thing would be to attach all the parts of your dragoon. Do you know how to attach movies ??
pom 0]
Only that if the mouse is moved to abrubtly, the mcs split apart too much as they follow. I want them all to keep a constant speed reagardless of the speed of the mouse. Speedly reply by the way, well done!
just been thinkin, eyezbergs one has different mcs in the middle, and differently sized…is this really done with duplicatemc? Iwas thinkin of how to do it like that, and i ended up with every slice in a seperate mc each following the mouse but the furthest back with with longest delay b4 it starts to move…just tell me im wrong coz all this thinkin is startin to hurt
Well, my opinion is : all the parts of the thing are different movie clips that he attaches on the scene. you have to draw all the parts, and then we’ll be able to talk attachments
pom 0]
You’re not so slow yourself with the posts…
pom 0]
Attatchments?! Ah the confusion. Cant really start the drawin yet coz its gotta be a specific dragon, so i’ll repost in the not too distant future begging all over again. cheers for your help. If you ever forget how to insert a keyframe, dont hesitate to ask, ill be happy to help!
It’s not that difficult ! I guess you don’t even HAVE to attach if you draw all the clips separately…
You could draw them, call them the right names clip1, clip2… And then put the code somewhere else, in another movie clip. That should work. Let me try.
pom 0]
Tada !! I changed one line in Thor’s code, and add one keyframe. That’s it. I know, it looks absolutely beautiful.
pom 0]