[COLOR=darkslategray]Hi I hope you can help me, well this is my problem when I used to use Flash mx and I used the components ListBox for example in the same scene I put three squares with diferent colors each one in a frame and in the ListBox put the name of the colors when I presed one of them the square of that color apeared, but now with the flash 8 dosen’t want to work and I don’t know what hapend with the changeHandler in parametros of the components in flash mx 2004 and flash 8 desapered.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkslategray]I used to put in ActionScript this, even if was a ListBox or a ComboBox in the same scene.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkslategray]In changeHandler I put goFrame and worked very good in flash mx.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]function goFrame(component)
[COLOR=darkslategray]:puzzle: Now what can I do if I want to use it the Flash 8?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkslategray]please help me, I need it.[/COLOR]