The Atkins Diet

There’s a girl in eCommerce who’s going on this one to lose weight for her holiday… She says that it does seem to work, so I won’t argue. Besides, anything that tells you to eat a lot of steak can’t be all bad. :slight_smile:

But no pasta or potatos? More importantly, no chocolate? How would I survive? :stunned:

Personally, I’ve never been on a diet in my life, and I don’t want to ever have to. I just eat whatever I want. :slight_smile: I’ve been about the same weight for the past 10 years. :stuck_out_tongue:

hah, “The Atkins Diet”.
Atkins… hmm, that word makes me feel uncomfortable, sounds like some kind of a disease. “The Atkins Diet”, sounds like a treatment for the disease hahahahaha.

Dieting goes back to self-confidence and do you really own your own self-confidence.

Hear me out…

When you do stuff is it for you or is it because you don’t want people to say stuff and ****, personal I don’t give a **** what so retard on a bus is thinking, I am the way I am and that’s it.

If your happy stay happy, don’t go on diets for others do it for you.
Not until your 30 and the party years are over anyway :wink:

PS… that Atkins thing gives you a VERY bad liver 2 or 3 years down the line becuase you need carb for your liver and other important organs.

the best way to lose weight is buy a treadmill and stop eating plates of heart attack

*Originally posted by chris9902 *
**Dieting goes back to self-confidence and do you really own your own self-confidence.

Hear me out…

When you do stuff is it for you or is it because you don’t want people to say stuff and ****, personal I don’t give a **** what so retard on a bus is thinking, I am the way I am and that’s it.

If your happy stay happy, don’t go on diets for others do it for you.
Not until your 30 and the party years are over anyway :wink:

PS… that Atkins thing gives you a VERY bad liver 2 or 3 years down the line becuase you need carb for your liver and other important organs.

the best way to lose weight is buy a treadmill and stop eating plates of heart attack **

I personally work out endlessly for me. I have this deep seeded desire to be the most disgustingly huge person on the planet. I want to have to walk through doorways sideways.

I want parents to pull thier children closer when i walk down the street because freakzilla is comming!

lol…its sick but thats a “me” goal.

*Originally posted by s-fx *
**hah, “The Atkins Diet”.
Atkins… hmm, that word makes me feel uncomfortable, sounds like some kind of a disease. “The Atkins Diet”, sounds like a treatment for the disease hahahahaha. **


Let us not foget that Dr. Atkins died this year from his own diet.

*Originally posted by rere420 *
The only true way to lose weight is to work out and eat a balanced diet of carbs, proteins and fats. To lose weight your carbs and fat should be lower then protein (protein should be about 1 gram per lb of body fat-depending on your goal!) =)

I hope <b>you</b> are not eating one gram of protien per pound of lean body mass and are suggesting that to sure. If you are (which I dont think you are) you should stop that immediatly.

Or you are going to be one jacked broad :slight_smile:

(BTW sorry for the three posts, I missed the end of this last night)

well, I am not eating even half of that! but you eat close to that, right? Thats why I said depending on your goal, I think our goals are very different!!!

Girls tend to want to be smaller adn guys to be bigger and then there is you who want to be the biggest person in the world~I think Ronnie Coleman and Arnold may give you some competition!

BTW Dr.Atkins fell and hit his head and put himself into a comma thats how he died, died of a head injury!


There goes fester spreading misinformation…

lol…thats too funny. I though he died from his diet. MY BAD!

i’m sure it didnt help him in anyway, other then making alot of money!!

so the consensus here is… this isnt a good thing. I mean , most everything I have read states that is a good way to go but every now and then I see people stating otherwise.

So what do you suggest? Stay on the low fat crap with lots of carbs and sugar? Stay away from the low fat stuff and just eat what you feel is a health dose of “regular food” while staying away from white breads and other bad carb intake…?

I’m a wee bit confused now :slight_smile:

I’ve heard that the Atkins diet works well. The problem with it is that it defies convential wisdom on weight lose and healthy diet. I know of a guy who lost around 30 pounds along with exercise on the diet. I know Atkins defened his diet for years, and it has finally been accepted as diet alternative.

On a similar not, I was reading in National Geographic about this scientist who tested a low calorie diet in mice and they lived a year longer which was significant enough to have the scientest try the diet himself, he eats about 600 calories a day, he’s 5’9 and weighs 120 lbs, he’s 40 years old so its gonna be awhile to see if it works out okay.

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**so the consensus here is… this isnt a good thing. I mean , most everything I have read states that is a good way to go but every now and then I see people stating otherwise.

So what do you suggest? Stay on the low fat crap with lots of carbs and sugar? Stay away from the low fat stuff and just eat what you feel is a health dose of “regular food” while staying away from white breads and other bad carb intake…?

I’m a wee bit confused now :slight_smile: **

Hey Sure,
I am not saying the atkins diet does not work. I am saying what I have read in many credible publications states that it is not the best way to go about weight loss.

I am not sure what your workout (cardio) regiment entails, but I found a really good guide from my hero’s at flex mag. you might want to take a look at.

It is geared towards bodybuilding but would be effictive even if you took a couple brisk walks during the week.

I chopped out all the advers and posted it to my server

(darn kirupa file size restricions :slight_smile: )

Its worth a look.

I wasnt saying it was bad, either a friend of my familys just dropped abuot 40lbs, but he is doing more like half atkins, he is eating more carbs then the specifics in the books after the first 2-3 months of using it and it seems to be working for him, he also like 6’7" and 350 so, I ma sure his proportions are a little different, he is also a pile driver and needs the constant energy that his body should produce but the way he is doing it seems to be working for him.

Give it a **** just judge what you think you should be doing and not doing as far as your eating habits, if you want to make this a long term goal, rather thena short term one!

Thanks very much to you both.

I have looked that the diet and think I am going to do more along the lines of dramatically decreasing the carbs I intake but not to the point of the books. My work out regiment is about half an hour on the crosstrainer and 15 min on the bike 3 - 4 days a week. Well at least that’s what I am shooting for. My gym membership starts up today and I plan to take full advantage of it as my girl and myself are doing this together.

So what do you think - does that sound like a good plan, of course I will have weights in there as well, my friend is a personal trainer at this place and is going to help me out a bit. It’s been about 2 years since I have been in a gym…and it’s starting to show :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Thanks very much to you both.

I have looked that the diet and think I am going to do more along the lines of dramatically decreasing the carbs I intake but not to the point of the books. My work out regiment is about half an hour on the crosstrainer and 15 min on the bike 3 - 4 days a week. Well at least that’s what I am shooting for. My gym membership starts up today and I plan to take full advantage of it as my girl and myself are doing this together.

So what do you think - does that sound like a good plan, of course I will have weights in there as well, my friend is a personal trainer at this place and is going to help me out a bit. It’s been about 2 years since I have been in a gym…and it’s starting to show :slight_smile: **

That sounds like a great plan bro.

Good luck to the both of you. The hardest part is staying comitted. It takes time to see results and even longer to hit your goal. (we all have high standars when it comes to physique)

Its good that you are training with someone else. It keeps you motivated. When my last lifting partner quit on me a couple of years ago I had a rough couple of months after and then slacked bad.

It took me a few months to get back into it.

It doesnt take long to lose your motivation when you stop going for a few days.

you are so right man - motivation is huge for me. Right now I have a picture of me from like a month ago that I absolutly hate, it’s one of those ones that you are like “that’s not me… no way” and it’s on my desktop. I have to look at it everytime I turn my computer on… that makes me want to work hard for sure.

Also - I just bought a new mp3 player for working out and that’s a good little bonus to make me want to go to the gym :slight_smile: You just gotta treat yourself once in a while :wink:

Anyone that does a lot of training - is it good to do cardio every single time you are there? I do the cross trainer for about 20 min high impact and 5 min cool down each time I go and I love it. I just want to make sure it’s healthy. I feel good and burn about 400 cal. but I just have to make sure it’s ok to do it all the time.