The Atkins Diet

Hey people. If you click this message than you prolly know what I’m talking about.

I have just started it today and let me tell you - it’s kind of hard if you dont have the right food around you but once you go shopping just once, this could be great! I mean you can eat meat, cheese, eggs, bacon, sausage, salad - alot of great things.

The only thing you have to stop eating is Carbs. I meanyou can have a few but that’s it. Has anyone here tried this diet? I have a guy on my baseball team that has been doing it for 6 months and lost like 60 pounds (with mild excrcise as well of course)

So have you tried it? Any suggestions or questions? I really just want to know that people think of it or if they have any suggestions on how to make this last.

i couldn’t give up carbs. I love pasta too much.

I hear you man, that’s the biggest problem. Well that and mexican food. But I am going to give it a month and see if there are any results better than the low-fat crap I have been doing.

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**i couldn’t give up carbs. I love pasta too much. **

i am in a strong Sicilan house hold, i havent had much OTHER than pasta!

but on the other hand i will give and example:

This summer i met Kenny Rogers, he was BIG! This winter i met him again. He looks soo much better! slimmer and he moves quicker. :thumb:

I dont believe in dieting anyway. I have been cutting back on how much I eat. Now when I go to Wendy’s I only get 2 burgers and a drink instead of 3 burgers 2-ten piece chicken nuggets 2 fries and a drink…

eating slower and ordering less has helped me lose a little weight, but I am not trying to lose weight… I’m try to gain weight… lost fat, build muscle etc…

My mommy and grammy did the atkins diet.
both of them cheated the entire time… it was really funny
they both ended up losing somewhere around 5 pounds in a couple weeks… so they are happy…

That’s the one with the kitosis and everything right?

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**I dont believe in dieting anyway. I have been cutting back on how much I eat. Now when I go to Wendy’s I only get 2 burgers and a drink instead of 3 burgers 2-ten piece chicken nuggets 2 fries and a drink…

eating slower and ordering less has helped me lose a little weight, but I am not trying to lose weight… I’m try to gain weight… lost fat, build muscle etc… **

jubba pulls up “Gimme the most cloresteral you can pack in $10”

lol jk

Jubba : I hate you.


actually its 8 something… :stuck_out_tongue:

I used to eat a lot, but I decided that I should start moderating my diet. Don’t want to end up like the rest of my family… overweight with heart problems.

I’m not really watching what I eat in terms of healthy food, I’m just eat less that I normally would.

I also only eat 2 times a day now instead of 5 or 6.

I haven’t lost any weight, but there is definately a noticeable difference in muscle to fat ratio…

I work out every day too…

you’re so dreamy jubba

ok “phil” :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m a vegetarian so this would NOT work.

I have the Atkins Diet at home…I haven’t used it yet, but from what I understand from people who have used it success is in the cards if you stick with it. Although the research says that if you stay on it within a year or so…you start to put the wieght back on…so be careful. The main idea is that a diet will get your body to the point were you are energetic enough to be more motivated in excercise. No diet is ment for long term, permanent wieght loss is a change of life style…
But yes …with commitment the diet will work

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**ok “phil” :stuck_out_tongue: **

:blush: <– there needs to be a blush smilie

anywho, back to your regularly scheduled thread

Hey Sure,
As an avid gym rat and for the most part I would strongly steer you away from atkins.

First off you can loose weight in the begining because its expendable weight that cardio or weight training would take off anyway.

Personally I keep my carb intake low and protiens high, but to eliminate them from your diet will not only lead to health problems it can KILL YOU.

Im talking potential diabetis, thyroid disease…some nasty stuff.

I would suggest eating 5 small meals a day of low carb high protien food.

A can of tuna, a single chicken breast.

eating small meals of healthy food constantly keeps you metabolising. In turn increasing your metabolism and your natural abilty to burn fat.

that is the ideal way to go, but diets are a quick fix, you just have to know when to jump off the wagon and start living right… I use to live in the gym as well, but the last decade has put new numbers on my scale I have never seen before… :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**Hey Sure,
As an avid gym rat and for the most part I would strongly steer you away from atkins.

First off you can loose weight in the begining because its expendable weight that cardio or weight training would take off anyway.

Personally I keep my carb intake low and protiens high, but to eliminate them from your diet will not only lead to health problems it can KILL YOU.

Im talking potential diabetis, thyroid disease…some nasty stuff.

I would suggest eating 5 small meals a day of low car high protien food.

A can of tuna, a single chicken breast.

eating small meals of health food constantly keeps you metabolising. In turn increasing your metabolism and your natural abilty to burn fat. **

wow! i didnt know htat! this summer mesa doing it!

Thanks for your input Fester… I see what you are saying. I have the book and am reading it right now.

The first thing it makes crystal clear right from the begining is that this is in no way bad for you - in fact it will help reverse the onslaugh of diabeties and heard disease and such. From what I have read this is the short version.

Your body has insulin transports glucose from your blood to your cells where it is converted to energy. Any extra is stored and turned into fat. Both Fat and Carbs are converted to Glucose. Fat is converted twice as fast as the carbs are. Your body already makes the things that carbs give you and what it doesnt, fat does. While reducing the intake of Carbs you can let your body concentrate on the fats and not have to worry about carbs. This is why calorie counting and low-fat stuff is not as effective. Your body needs fat… it doesnt need carbs.

Most Low-Fat food is loaded with Sugar and carbs to make it taste like something. Surgar is terrrible for you, well the unnatural kind is anyway - it has no use to your body. Since your body works on the Carbs first and then the fat - if you take the carbs out, it goes right for the fat and does so twice as fast.

Your body can only take so much Glucose and as I said before the rest is turned into fat. So by the time your body has turned the carbs into energy it get’s to the fat and says “your going to the a s s for storage” :slight_smile:

This is what the book as taught me anyway.

yeah sugar is really bad for oyu, my mom knows people who got diabbities form it. WEll to much sugar at least. and whole wheat is way better than white bread caue you get fiber.

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**Hey Sure,
As an avid gym rat and for the most part I would strongly steer you away from atkins.

First off you can loose weight in the begining because its expendable weight that cardio or weight training would take off anyway.

Personally I keep my carb intake low and protiens high, but to eliminate them from your diet will not only lead to health problems it can KILL YOU.

Im talking potential diabetis, thyroid disease…some nasty stuff.

I would suggest eating 5 small meals a day of low car high protien food.

A can of tuna, a single chicken breast.

eating small meals of health food constantly keeps you metabolising. In turn increasing your metabolism and your natural abilty to burn fat. **

I 'm w/fester. We both always make sure to at least try and keep the carbs down and the protein up adn exercise.

The main problem w/Atkins which just like other “diet programs” It can only last for so long, you can not wipe out carbs forever, eventually you have to go back to eating them and you will quickly put more weight on and your body will hold on to them building fat and feed off of them because they havent had them. It is fuel.

The only true way to lose weight is to work out and eat a balanced diet of carbs, proteins and fats. To lose weight your carbs and fat should be lower then protein (protein should be about 1 gram per lb of body fat-depending on your goal!) =)

Your body needs carbs for fuel, you just need toeat the right ones. Brown rice, wheat bread, low grain rice etc. are good to eat. It is the white breads, potatoes, white and long grain rice and canned foods that will kill your diet and you dont need to follow Atkins to cut them out.

I would not suggest it because of the health effects jsut like Fester mentioned. We have both looked alot into all types of diets and programs and this in my opinion is not a smart one to stick too.
Good luck though:) :slight_smile: :slight_smile: