The Big Kirupa Love-In

By special request… Feel free to add yourself if you’re not up there, or ask me (or another mod) to add you. :slight_smile:

I know who I voted for :love::beam:

  • Soul :s:

And I know who <i>I</i> voted for… :love:

looks for Lost :frowning:

<b>Edits poll</b>

There you go Ilyas. :slight_smile: Should I put Sen up there as well? I know you all want to marry each other…

*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**looks for Lost :frowning: **

looks for some one to vote for me:smirk:

<b>Whispers</b> Vote for yourself, no-one will know… :stuck_out_tongue:

put me on! put me on!

laughs at mario You are SO weak dude! You couldn’t even stay away for a whole day! :beam::stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

aw… :frowning: I’m not with the cool crowd…

Mariofan… I thought you were leaving! Haha… Kirupa is like the mafia… you can get in whenever you want, but you can never leave…

lol - i know! i was just checking my email, and then i thought, i wonder whats going on at kirupa…

seriously though (*stirn voice) - i will be spending much less time here…

You’re on, Mariofan. Even though you shouldn’t be here. :slight_smile:

who voted for me:blush: :sure:

I’m in lavas footer!! :beam:

Haha I didn’t even notice. Not theres much to link to lol :slight_smile: I’ll hurry up with it Lava lol

  • Soul :s:

Yeah, what’s going to be in it? :slight_smile:

Hmmmm :sure: :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

come on people, remember all the smilies i did…

ill tell you how i did my footer…

i have money…

hey now thats not fair!


i’m not playing…

so there…

i think they r all cool and for those of us who r cool as well and were not mentioned…

u know who u are…

i give you all a big hug

I can’t vote again, I’ve already cast mine… :beam: