So this code basically makes a clip with a line drawn from (0,0) to (100,100).
What i want to know is how the line is being drawn?
what is between the two points? colored pixles?
If so how do i color them?
If you know the code behind this please show me if you can…
the line style segment controls the elements such as size(thickness) and color, the 0x000000 bit is the hex value in rgb 000000 being black and ffffff being white.
the line is not “pixels” per se. Its equivalent to drawing a line with the line tool in Flash - a vector line. You get the same effect in code (for the most part). as tumualt said, lineStyle lets you control attributes of that line, but only thickness, color and alpha. It cant give you different styles like dashed as you can have in Flash when drawn by hand (though you can code a dashed line using little solid lines).