The Core

How bad is this movie going to be:

definately suicide inducing…

agrees with jubba

well the plot is scientificly accurate (or so says one guy!)

looks terrible

just saw a trailer for it…it looks awful.

mdipi- FALSE

O H M Y G A W D ! !

I had not heard of it till this thread, so I checked out the site and watched the trailer… that looks too bad for words!


its like tornado redone with a new natural disaster, and with the military thrown into the mix.

The best/worst part is when the colluseum explodes!! because of lighting strikes!? how is this scientificaly possible.

you didn’t get the memo, did you? It was never released that all people struck by lighting explode into many little bits. Oh, and that guy thats been hit 11 times… hes a fake :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

its more like armageddon I think.
But Im gonna c the movie, I like to the fx n stuff

I think they made this film just for the sake of it. Just for the sake of doing another disaster movie and just so they can use some special effects!

I am not expecting great thigns from this film but we could all be pleasantly suprised. We’ll see :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

Hey you know what… I know it looks ridiculous, but I’ve been reading reviews, and people say that it’s actually pretty good… that it makes such a crappy, unrealistic event believable…

It’s going to be dumb, I just know it…

I think the FX are going to be great.

I saw a trailor in the theaters for it about 2 months ago and it looked fantastic. The story is way to much like Armageddon but the other aspects of it looked good. I think I will see it on a cheap night just for the visuals.