i’m tackling the job of making a wheel of symbols, which rotate in a different direction depending on which direction your mouse is moving in (and where your mouse is).
crazy job!
anyway, i was wondering : would anyone happen to have an idea of how you could have flash know what direction the mouse is coming from when it hits an object?
i tried using three setInterval commands like this :
var checkA:Number = setInterval(checkXA, 2);
var checkBStart:Number = setInterval(checkXBStart, 1);
var checkB:Number;
function checkXA():Void
trace("checkXA worked");
xAMouse = _xmouse;
function checkXBStart():Void
checkBStart = setInterval(checkXB, 2);
function checkXB():Void
trace("checkXB worked");
xBMouse = _xmouse;
the goal of that was to have two variables (a = before, and b = after) so that there’s before and after x variables contantly being redefined… and then later i can say if the x property after is more than the x property before… then rotate clockwise : and vice versa.
WELL that didn’t work. i don’t really quite understand it and i certainly think i could be taking the wrong approach altogether.
if anyone could help me it would be most appreciated!